Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to Money Wise Workplace - introduction

    2. Money Wise Workplaces - Program Overview

    1. Welcome to the course: Your Brain On Money

    2. Lesson 1 video - Wired For Instant Gratification

    3. Lesson 1 explainer article - Wired for Instant Gratification

    4. Lesson 1 interactive exercises - Connecting With Your Future Self Tool

    5. Lesson 1 article - Connecting With Your Future Self

    6. Lesson 1 quiz - let's test your knowledge!

    1. Welcome to the course: Let's Get Started On Investing

    2. Lesson 8 - Understanding RRSPs & TFSAs

    3. RRSP & TFSA further learning

    4. RRSP vs TFSA infographic

    5. RRSP & TFSA calculators and resources

    6. Lesson 8 - RRSPs & TFSA's - an explainer article

    7. Learning about the Home Buyer's Plan & the Life Long Learning Plan

    8. Quiz - let's test your knowledge!

    1. Welcome to the course: Digging Out of Debt

    2. Lesson 13 - Becoming debt free

    3. Slides from the video

    4. Debt repayment calculator

    5. Slashing your debt - the snowball vs. avalanche method

    6. Lesson 13 - Becoming debt free sooner - further reading

    1. Welcome to the course: Credit Basics

    2. Lesson 19 - Understanding your credit score & tips for improving it

    3. Slides from the video

    4. Where to check your report and score

    5. Lesson 19 - Understanding & improving your credit score - further reading

    1. Welcome to the course: Cashflow is King

    2. Lesson 22 - The 30 day anti-budget

    3. Slides from the video

    4. Lesson 22 Budgeting resources

    5. Creative budgeting - further reading

About this course

  • Free
  • 32 lessons
  • 25 videos

Discover your potential, starting today